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Gülce Tartal and Erkan Erkaya ile

Group Familyto


11 March 2023, Saturday
11:00 - 16:00

ASA Academy, Istanbul 

Group Family Lineup

Place:ASA Academy, Şişhane/İSTANBUL

Date and time: Saturday, March 11, 11:00 - 16:00

Duration: 5 hours

What Is The Issue You Can't Solve In Life?

If you have a desire to change something in yourself and in your life, but you feel stuck inside, we invite you to this study.

What is the issue in your life that you cannot solve?

Relationship, Money, Job.. Are you looking for a solution or do you have fears? 


At the root of the problem, there may be unknown dynamics and secrets in the Family System.


There is an old saying; 

“Grandfather ate grouse, grandson's tooth was dazzled”

What is Family Constellation?

Developed by the German therapist Bert Hellinger, Family Constellation is a powerful technique that allows us to realize our perspectives on life and life, gives us a new, different perspective and a deep understanding in every situation that challenges us in our life, and makes us experience love and acceptance.

It enables us to see who owns our emotions that govern us in every aspect of our lives, whose burden, pain and sadness we carry, and with whom we connect. It is a very powerful therapy method that allows us to break away from these bonds with love.

Hayatımızın her alanında bizi yöneten duygularımızın klanımızda kimlere ait olduğunu görmek, iyileşmenin başlangıcıdır.

Aile köklerinizi anlayarak, geleceğinizi inşa edebilirsiniz. 

Aile kökleriniz, kim olduğunuzu ve nasıl davrandığınızı şekillendirmede önemli bir rol oynar. Aile dizimi terapisi, aile köklerinizi anlamamıza ve bu köklerin şu anki yaşamlarınız üzerindeki etkisini fark etmenize yardımcı olur. Daha sağlıklı ve daha tatmin edici bir gelecek inşa etmek için sizde bize katılın!

For information, reservation and registration;

0531 527 5257

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